By Pam Albo

Size: Red yucca is an attractive grass-like succulent that is drought-tolerant and low maintenance. Featuring long and narrow blue-green leaves, the plant only grows up to 3 feet tall but spreads up to 4 feet wide.
Flowering: In late spring, red yucca produces clusters of showy coral-red to pink tubular flowers on long stalks about 5-6 feet long. The stalks arch up and outward. It blooms throughout the summer and sometimes into early fall. When in bloom, these plants are hummingbird magnets.
Growing Environment: Native to Mexico, Texas, and New Mexico, it grows in hot, dry conditions and prefers full sun. They are also “unarmed”, meaning no thorns or spines.
Red Yucca is neither a yucca nor an aloe plant and is part of the Asparaceae plant family.
You will see these plants widely grown throughout Tatum Highlands as well as the Greater Phoenix area.