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A Newsletter of the Tatum Highlands Community Association

President's Message

By Kevin Hufnagel, Board President

Happy New Year 2025! I hope that you enjoyed celebrating the holiday season with family and friends.

New Management

First Service Residential is the new management company for Tatum Highlands. The official start was December 1st. Be sure to visit (the Connect Resident Portal), scroll down to Resident Access, and click Create Account. After you create an account, you will have access to your account activity, forms and documents, calendar, etc.

Paying Assessments

As we have done in the past, you can still continue to pay your assessments using your bank’s bill pay service or by mailing your assessment payment.

Pay Assessment by Check

To mail your assessment payment, send a check with the remit slip from your statement to:

Tatum Highlands Community Association, Inc.

c/o First Service Residential

PO Box 30339

Tampa, FL 33630-3339

Pay Assessment Using Your Bank’s Bill Pay Service

You may continue to use your own bank’s bill pay service. Be sure to update the address

to the P.O. Box listed above. You will also need to reference your new 12-digit Account Number,

found on your Welcome Letter or by Viewing Account Activity in your Connect Resident Portal.

Common Area Tree Trimming

The annual tree trimming will start in late January. All the trees along the thoroughfares of Tatum Blvd., Jomax Rd., 40th Street, Briles Rd., 43rd Wy., and Ramuda Dr., will be trimmed. Areas designated for the odd-year trimming schedule will also be trimmed during this time. Other areas that were trimmed last year on the even-year trimming schedule will be trimmed in 2026.

Irrigation Renovation

Irrigation Phase Two will start in February. Phase Two is the north side of Jomax from Tatum Blvd. to 43rd Street. Phase Three will follow thereafter to complete the renovation to 40th Street. The upgrades to the irrigation system will have new PVC pipes that will eliminate the leaks and help save water.


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ALL INQUIRIES: Call First Service at 480-551-4371

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